CONTEXT 2019 – Trento, Italy

The CONTEXT conference series has brought together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and industries to present their work related to issues of context, contextual reasoning and context-awareness to discuss commonalities and diversities in the different disciplinary approaches. It is unique in focusing on context as a subject of study in its own right, and it has become one of the top venues for context-related research.
CONTEXT 2019 is the 11th conference in the series and takes place in the wonderful region of Trento, where 20 years ago the international conference was held after the pioneering launch event in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1997. As in the tradition of the series, submissions are invited from a wide range of disciplines, including artificial intelligence, computer science, context-aware applications, ubiquitous computing, cognitive science and psychology, social and organizational sciences, linguistics, philosophy, and various application areas, including (but not limited to) finance, medicine & healthcare, virtual and augmented reality, food, sport, business intelligence, big data analytics, education & e-learning, law. All accepted papers must be accessible also to non-specialists, for example, by providing accessible discussions of the disciplinary prerequisites to allow those outside the discipline to understand the work.


  • Research paper sessions
  • Industrial paper sessions
  • Keynote presentations
  • A poster session
  • A doctoral consortium
  • Panels
  • Info,